
Acid-Alkaline balance, what you need to know

Maintaining the right acid-alkaline balance in the body is one of the most basic necessities for the body to function properly. The acid-alkaline theory is that many diseases are caused by excess acid accumulation in the body. There is evidence that conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout and osteoporosis are caused by eating too high a quantity of acid-forming foods. Our blood needs to maintain a slightly alkaline pH of 7.4 to function efficiently.

There is a difference between acidic foods and acid-forming foods. The best example of this is lemons and citrus fruit. While they are acidic, they actually have an alkalizing effect on the body. The dietary goal is simple: make sure you consume more alkaline producing foods than acid producing foods. All fruits and vegetables break down to form alkaline compounds in our guts. Sprouted nuts, seeds and legumes also become alkaline. Meats, fish, eggs, unsprouted nuts, seeds and legumes, all grains, diary, processed foods, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine form acids.

Too many acid-forming foods force our kidneys to mobilise much-needed alkaline-forming nutrients to return to a biochemical balance. High protein diets can therefore put a strain on kidney function. Excess acids in the blood can find their way into joints and tissues exacerbating arthritis and causing pain.

Stressful situations and negative emotions such as anger, denial, confusion and fear create bodily processes that can also lead to acidity. Relaxation and positive emotions however have the opposite effect.

Green juices are a great way to alkalise and if there is one thing I tell my clients to do is to drink something green every day! Sticking to an acid alkaline diet may seem overwhelming at first, but the health benefits are definitely worth it!

Sybille x

I have been a model for 17 years, have worked as a holistic health care practitioner and yoga instructor since 2007 and am now taking a maternity break to spend quality time with my son, born in May 2015.

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